My Helicopter Mom Epiphany

Reality can really sneak up and bite you on the arse! Suddenly I found myself in a position of needing benefits for our family. That’s easy, I thought. I’ll go back to my career in Hospitality. I sat down to write my resume and was overwhelmed by the fact that I had no idea what a resume looked like today, not to mention all the new tools for distribution. I had no online presence. Other than a randomly looked at facebook page - I didn’t exist in cyberspace.

I looked at my life. Look at what I’ve accomplished. I supported my husband as he established his career as an architect. My children were all graduates or attending top schools. I had significantly increased sales and decreased cost at my in-laws business, and I had taken over the care of my father who suffers from LBD.

I had essentially helicoptered every member of my family. Their accomplishments are fabulous…and no one wants to see that on a resume.

And so began, Kymberly Speaks! What was your ah-ha moment?

My Flip Flop Life